Bishop Conaty - Our Lady of Loretto High School Home


Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School is the first Archdiocesan Catholic girls' high school in Los Angeles and still leading the way in education. Bishop Conaty is a comprehensive, college preparatory high school that prepares young women for success. With high expectations for excellence, Bishop Conaty educates each student spiritually, academically, aesthetically, physically, and technologically. We are an inclusive, Christ-centered high school and accept young women of all races and creeds, and provides them with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the college or university of their choice. At Bishop Conaty Our Lady of Loretto, graduates will be leaders of their church, workplace, community and home!

Campus News

Beginning of the School Year August 12, 2024

School resumes on Monday August 12 at 8.30am.
Students should wear their complete uniform, plaid skirt, white polo, oxfords and blazer
The Learning Center is open every day from 6.30am for early arrivals and remains open
until 4.00pm.
The cafeteria will be open on the first day.
Beginning of the School Year August 12, 2024 Featured Photo

Save the Dates

Save the Dates
Tuesday September 24 th 11am Archbishop Gomez will celebrate Mass to officially open the school year.
Friday September 27 th “Electric Illusion”
Saturday September 28 th “Family Fun Day”
Save the Dates Featured Photo

Summer Athletics

Volleyball practice every day from 3pm-6pm
Varsity Tournament, Lakewood Classic, on Aug 10
First league game on August 12 th at St. Genevieve
Basketball conditioning every day 6am-8am, 6pm-8pm
Cross Country 6:30am-8:30am

Upcoming Events

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At a Glance

  • 13:1 Student/Teacher Ratio
  • 100% Graduation Rate
  • book 16 Dual Enrollment Courses
  • 13 Honors Courses
  • 13 Advanced Placement Classes
  • 6 Music Academy Programs
  • 60+ Zip Codes in Los Angeles served
  • 8 Sports Teams
  • 25 League Championships