Integral Student Outcome (ISO)
A Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School graduate is a woman of...
...FAITH who
- Understands and practices the teachings and traditions of the Church
- Puts faith into action through Christian Service
- Shows reverence and gratitude for God's creation
- Strives to live a moral life in accordance with Gospel values
- Develops a personal prayer life
- Articulates ideas clearly in speech and writing
- Collaborates with others
- Thinks and learns independently
- Demonstrates media and technology literacy
- Respects self, others, and her world
- Holds herself accountable for her words and actions
- Promotes a just , peaceful and democratic society
- Demonstrates leadership
- Is guided by integrity
...VISION who
- Makes decisions based on creative and critical thinking and problem solving
- Nurtures individuality and hope
- Promotes innovation
- Sets goals
- Perseveres
- Adapts to change